
Exciting Announcement!

September 19, 2023

What if our community had a magical place to serve our community’s sickest children?

GRANTED is excited to announce the ROY AND AMANDA JORGENSEN HOUSE OF HOPE, our community’s first, comprehensive programming facility that will serve children within 100-miles of Evansville who are fighting terminal or life-threatening conditions and their families. A groundbreaking ceremony is planned for April 26, 2024 at 9am, 2200 Oak Hill Road, Evansville, IN and GRANTED HOUSE OF HOPE is scheduled to open in June 2025.

Most know GRANTED, formerly Wish Upon A Star, for making dreams come true by granting Wishes, but Wishes are just the beginning of GRANTED’s journey with area families. This unique, one-of-a-kind HOUSE OF HOPE facility will allow GRANTED to expand it’s Beyond The Wish programs and services to better meet the unique needs of families with medically complex children fighting their toughest battles.

A silent fundraising campaign began in April 2023 and over $1.8MM of GRANTED’s $2.2MM fundraising goal has been raised through donations, grants, and in-kind goods and services. “We live in a very loving, supportive and generous community when it comes to supporting area children and families fighting their toughest battle” said GRANTED board member and fundraising Co-chair Jeff Purdue “The response in the past five months from our community, particularly from local construction companies, has been nothing short of incredible. Granted House of Hope will be a blessing for our community for generations to come.”

GRANTED Executive Director Susan Washburn “So far, 84 local construction companies have stepped up and offered to donate construction labor and/or materials to turn House of Hope from a dream into a reality. We have also been blessed with support from local companies and individuals.” A public fundraising campaign has now begun to raise the balance of the money needed to break ground in April 2024. “The entire community now has an opportunity to support the HOUSE OF HOPE community project with the purchase of items such as personally engraved bricks, picnic tables, benches and swings.“

"Granted House of Hope will be a beautiful, magical, familiar, and safe place for local Wish families to feel loved and supported. At the House of Hope, families will feel a strong connection and sense of belonging, understood, be able to share experiences with others who understand their unique challenges and traumas, and ultimately have a place to meet their specific needs and improve the quality of their lives.” GRANTED Executive Director Susan Washburn